Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ancient Monuments - A Closer Look

Here is an article that takes an overall look at the why and how Ancient people built these huge stone monuments and left us with those unexplained mysteries. Let's examine the actual way of life at those times in our planets history.

Even mainstream archeologists, while puzzled though, agree that those people who built those monuments, just came out of the stone age, moving into the bronze age, and this is where it gets interesting. Life was very harsh in those times. People had to constantly tend to their fields and animals, the also had to make clothes, tools, had to hunt and so on and so forth. A 365/24/7 Job. Now, how and why, in god's name, could they spent sometimes decades, to chisel and haul rail road car sized blocks of stone, at times over hundreds of miles into remote areas, to built something that could just as easily have been built with mud bricks. Just at a smaller scale. The answer as to the WHY, is fairly straight forward: Because It was of utter most importance to them. I will go further into this subject at another time in another article, but not now.

Let's get to the question as to the HOW they did it. This is the point where mainstream archeology and common sense part way. The widely accepted answer, that all this was done with bronze chisels, wooden sledges and simple manpower, just doesn't make sense. It doesn't add up. If hundreds and sometimes thousands of man were working for decades on those monuments, who was handling the chores of daily life? They women certainly couldn't take on any more work, since they already contributed their share. Not to mention that some tasks required physical skills and abilities, that women just didn't have. So, now, what would make more common sense than the usual scientific explanations?

Answer: The ancient people must have used some other method of stone cutting and transportation. Only because the archeologists haven't found anything yet, doesn't mean it didn't exist. We are probably missing a piece of the puzzle. There is most likely some ancient technology at work that could speed up the cutting and transportation process, therefore speeding up time and reducing the required manpower. It's the same economic principle as in our modern times. Bring to bear new technology, cut time and save manpower to complete a certain process. Today it's called Cost cutting. By using a different method of completing their monuments, it would require less people and therefore free up man to continue to attend to their contribution to daily life.

So, my friends, as you can see with a bit of common sense and some independent thinking we can see some flaws in modern day explanation of this matter. We will deal in more detail with this and similar subjects in the future. For now, let me close, since I believe that shorter articles are easier to digest for readers.

I hope you enjoyed this post. If we can solve a few of these mysteries, the entire planet will benefit. So, let's get at it.

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